
Voter Engagement Training Equips Voters with Confidence


We have all heard the familiar phrase, “get out and vote.” It sounds simple, but for first-time voters and people who have not been educated on the voting process, it can be intimidating.

This is why Peer Mentor Brooke Fuller stepped up to host Voter Engagement Trainings for the people supported by MOKA. “The goal is to get education and knowledge about voting out to everyone and to teach them how to go vote,” says Brooke.

Thanks to family members, Brooke learned early on in life that voting is an important responsibility, one that she undertook as soon as she was old enough to vote. Over the years, she has learned to “do more research and vote based on the person’s ideas and what they want to do.”

Supervisor of Community Supports Tasha Oltman says, “Part of Brooke’s role is to help her peers navigate the world and learn new things, so she was a natural fit” to conduct the trainings.

To support each training, Brooke reviewed MOKA’s Voter Engagement Resource Guide with the participants. The guide uses simple steps and categories to ensure each person understands how to fully and meaningfully participate in the election process.

Participants in the training were educated on the importance of exercising their right to vote, how to register, the different methods of voting, and what to expect the day of when voting in person. The training also covered political parties and emphasized voting in a way that best fits you.

“We want people to go out and vote, and know their voice counts,” says Brooke.

While Brooke presented two virtual trainings to 30 participants leading up to the election, Tasha facilitated discussion and engagement along the way. Both hope the training eased the apprehension some people have about voting. 

“The training helped to raise awareness of voting and make it more of an approachable process; it’s not as scary as it might seem,” says Tasha.

Story by Hannah Kater. Photos by Lara Parent.