
About Us


Our Mission

Creating opportunities for independence and acceptance in our communities by supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in making choices, building relationships, sharing places, developing skills, enhancing reputations, and contributing back.

Diversity is the bedrock of our community’s strength. Learn how MOKA is working to build bridges, nurture bonds, and create a shared vision of a vibrant society with your help.

Our Origin

MOKA was founded in 1978 by a group of parents concerned about the future of their family member diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). They united with a primary goal of working towards greater physical and social inclusion for those with I/DD within our local communities. Today, we continue to champion that goal to support a need we all have; to be included and feel a sense of belonging.

Core Values

Respect: We are committed to creating and sustaining an environment where all are welcomed, recognized, and valued.
Honesty: We hold ourselves to high standards of accuracy, accountability, transparency, and truthfulness in our work, with one another, the people we serve, and our community partners.
Passion: We approach every person, every interaction, every task, every challenge, and every opportunity with purpose, pride, and a positive attitude to pursue excellent service.
Inclusion: We value and celebrate the uniqueness of people and cultures, recognizing that experiences, beliefs, and values of each individual contribute to the strength of the whole.
Creativity: We encourage lifelong learning and support innovative ways to find solutions through possibilities others have not seen.
Resilience: Aware of our own limits and need for self-renewal, we remain open to learning, hopeful about the future, generous with others, and strong in the face of challenges.

Our Vision

Our vision for our community is that all people are included. An inclusive community recognizes every person for their unique strengths and abilities. In that same vein, we derive our tagline “See the Individual in Everyone,” and carry out our simple mission statement.

  • Making Choices: Every day choices you and I take for granted.
  • Building Relationships: Within the community.
  • Sharing Places: Places in the community you and I go every day.
  • Developing Skills: Functional skills needed to live successfully in our communities.
  • Enhancing Reputations: Gaining social acceptance from all members of the community.
  • Contributing Back: Giving something back to the community by working, volunteering, or helping others.


A CARF Three-Year Accreditation was awarded to MOKA in 2024 for the following services: Community Housing, Community Integration, Employment Supports, Job Development, and Employee Development Services.

CARF accreditation demonstrates MOKA’s quality, accountability, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. For more information on CARF, visit www.carf.org

Brighter Futures. Made possible by you.

You can make someone’s future brighter with the simple click of a button. Whether it is by providing a person the opportunity of inclusion in the community, supporting a person on their journey to employment, or helping someone with disabilities reach their full potential, your gift changes lives. Give the gift of a brighter future.

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